Sacred Jyotish

Incredible life insights gleaned from the ancient Vedic seers

"Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." — Carl Jung

Are you feeling lost, stuck, or unfulfilled in life? Do you have dreams and goals but struggle to make them a reality? If so, you’re not alone. 

Multiple national surveys show that a large section of our population, especially the younger populations struggle with feelings of directionlessness and disconnection. 

At Essential Spirituality, we use spiritual principles based on the ideas of balanced and fulfilled living to offer practical tips and strategies to help you get started on your journey. 

Astrology, believe it or not, just happens to be one of those tools, something that a large number of successful people have used in the past and even today. So why not give it a try? 


Essential Spirituality's commitment and care

It is important to note that astrology as it is popularly practiced has many drawbacks: 

  • Predatory Practices: Many practitioners exploit human vulnerability, incredulity, and gullibility for personal gain.
  • External Locus of Control: Overemphasis on external factors can weaken personal agency and exacerbate a sense of helplessness.
  • Predeterministic Fatalism: Astrologers can sometimes encourage a fatalistic mindset, discouraging proactive and empowered decision-making.
  • Lack of Scientific and Authentic Traditional Basis: Popular newspaper astrology is often based neither on scientific principles nor on authentic traditional practices leading to misleading and oversimplified guidance.

Our Commitment

At Essential Spirituality, we are committed to providing ethical and empowering guidance. Our aim is to help you harness the positive aspects of astrology while maintaining a balanced perspective that emphasizes your inner strength and potential.

The ancient Vedic science of Jyotish gives one clarity about life’s journey. It can also offer a variety of solutions based on the subtle tendencies indicated by the birth chart. It can provide a rich and deep insight into the individual’s life, at all levels – health and personality, economic, relational and spiritual. This includes but is not restricted to accurate predictive analysis for which, perhaps it is the most comprehensive ancient system available to humanity, passed on and kept alive by sages and seers spanning millennia.

We approach Jyotish as a psychological and spiritual discipline rooted in the ancient sacred Vedic tradition of India. Our astrologer-in-residence has been taught by the well known Jyotish Acharya, Marc Boney, who in turn is a student of the renowned, Shri K. N. Rao of India. Quite importantly, he been trained in and certified to teach spiritual methods within an authentic lineage by a highly respected Sufi teacher, Hazratsaheb. As such, we provide these services only after due homage to Jyotish training, spiritual discipline, and scientific reasoning.   

Based on personal experiences and the research of eminent psychologists like Carl Jung, Stanislov Grof and Richard Tarnas, we offer this service as a guiding framework in terms of one’s personality, proclivities, and potential in the journey called, life. It is not our aim to make sensational predictions or generate super-normal profit. As such, any guidance given in this context should not be considered a substitute for professional help. 

Our goal is to guide you toward greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment by integrating practical strategies with deep spiritual insights.

Join us on a journey that empowers you to achieve your goals and purpose with guidance based on a holistic perspective – at little to no cost! With a primary directive to improve lives, we are committed to the “pay as you can” model, which allows everyone this opportunity (see our pricing model in the FAQ section). 

So go ahead and submit a question or two to receive meaningful direction (including spiritual solutions, if applicable). May Providence guide you to the answers you seek! For more information about how astrological consultations work, see the article “Of Horoscopes and Divination: How Astrology Works.”

Our Services

Your questions will be answered as soon as possible.  Jyotish services at Essential Spirituality are offered in two tiers: a free tier and a pay-as-you-can service. 

This emphasis on affordability is a part of Essential Spirituality’s  ongoing mission to make wellbeing, spirituality and a fulfilling life accessible to all (normally such services can cost anywhere from $50 to $300 per session/report). Therefore, questions related to spiritual and personal growth, which match our core value of spirituality (commitment to self-awareness and personal growth) will be given priority, especially in the free tier.

Only 6 jyotish reports are provided per week based on the urgency and relevance of requests. Paid consultations are limited to 3 slots per week of 45 minutes each. 

See below for what can be considered questions related to spirituality.

  • Questions related to actions and practices that can be enable one’s spiritual growth and personal development. 
  • Questions related to recognizing and understanding one’s potential, and the possibility of further progress. 
  • Questions that seek to clarify doubts.
  • Questions that seek to clear the path and remove obstacles.
  • Please note that we do not do horsoscope (kundli) matching for matrimonials although other questions related to relationships are welcome.  

Having said this, if there is a crucial question that you would like answered, feel free to fill out the form, we will do our best to answer it. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. 

a person holding a piece of paper with a red apple on it

Free Jyotish Services

macbook pro on brown wooden table

Pay-as-you-can Services

Note that any guidance and solutions offered through these services is not suggested as a substitute for specific professional help (medical, therapeutic, legal etc.). 

Talk to us (online consultations)

Free Jyotish Report

Birth Chart Details

Jyotish Report and Subscription Form


Any questions that you deem are important to your life. However, preference is given to questions of a spiritual nature, and those of importance to the questioner. Questions asked out of a healthy curiosity are answered through this FAQ and our article, ‘Of Horoscopes and Divination: How Astrology Works

We use a number of diagnostic and remedial methods. Diagnostic tools include Istikhara and Jyotish. Remedial measures include prescription of spiritual practices, rituals, fasting methods, gemstones and amulets. 

In the past, we have been inundated by questions that are not relevant to our values and goals. More importantly, visitors have failed to turn up to free consultation sessions. This not only results in a waste of our time and effort, but it also takes away precious time from sincere queries of students and seekers. As such our one-on-one online consultation services are now offered on a pay as you can basis with a minimum consultation fee of $22, which is a very modest amount compared to most such services. 

Our Jyotish (Kundli) report services are still free but availability is restricted to six applications per week.

Note that certain remedies can have a small cost – such as the purchase of gemstones. But we do not sell nor charge for these. Questioners are expected to find their own sources for the same.

In a single word, yes. BUT not as a substitute for professional help. Always consult a professional for medical, health, legal (and other) advice. More on this in our forthcoming article, ‘How Spiritual Remedies Work’

Please see our Privacy Policy and Data Gathering section for more details on how we manage individual data.